Kumar Kushagra, a talented young wicketkeeper-batter from Jharkhand, has quickly emerged as a rising star in Indian cricket. He began his journey at an early age, displaying his potential in domestic cricket. Kushagra made his List A debut in the 2021 Vijay Hazare Trophy and was part of India’s squad for the 2020 ICC Under-19 World Cup, gaining valuable experience at the international level.
His T20 debut came during the 2021-22 Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy, further solidifying his credentials as a versatile player. A standout moment in his career was the 2021-22 Ranji Trophy Preliminary Quarter-final, where he smashed his maiden First-Class century and followed it up with a remarkable double century, showcasing his skill and temperament. Before joining Gujarat Titans, Kushagra was part of Delhi Capitals.