Washington Sundar, an all-rounder from Tamil Nadu, first made his mark in the 2016 U-19 World Cup. Initially seen as a batter who could bowl, he later developed into a skilled bowler and reliable batter. He debuted in the IPL in 2017 with the Rising Pune SuperGiants. In the 2017 Tamil Nadu Premier League, Sundar was the top scorer with 459 runs and took 15 wickets.
Washington was named Man of the Series in the 2018 Nidahas Trophy, taking 8 wickets. In the 2021 Gabba Test, he scored 62 in the first innings and played a crucial knock in the second innings, helping India secure a historic series win. In 2024, Sundar took 7 for 59 against New Zealand in Pune, further cementing his reputation as a key all-rounder.